Over the last year or so I have been interested in modern politics more than ever. The current climate and global recession have most certainly attributed to my sudden interest, as well my age and responsibility starting to manifest.
The topic at the forefront of my mind is not politicians policies or promises to the nation but the charisma that the person exudes. For instance, in America when Barack Obama was sworn into the White House, people across the globe were hopeful and ambitious about what the future held for all of us. I was rooting for Barack all the way because he was young, bright and a breath of fresh air and exactly what everyone, not just the USA, needed to see.
Now in Britain, it's a completly different situation. I don't feel like any of the three main party leaders have that charisma. Not since Winston Churchill have we had a person in power who, I feel, had a certain appeal to them. I obviously wasn't alive during his time in office but his persona and legacy left me with an idea of a man who lead the country during the second world war and seemed to be a natural leader. Churchill was, obviously, not perfect, he was a drunk but still that aside it doesn't tarnish my perception of him.
I can't honestly sit here and say I would feel ambitious or hopeful if either Gordon Brown, David Cameron or Nick Clegg were voted into Parliment.
Tony Blair is possibly the only leader who I believe had a certain something about him but on the same hand lacked that special something. He took the nation into the war on terror but he was one of the only foreign leaders that I am aware of that convinced a president of the USA to change his mind on a ground invasion in the Kosovan war.
Tony Blair is now being considered for a European Presidential position that hasn't even been created yet. I honestly believe that he is one of the only former leaders from a leading European country that has the political connections that could benefit Europe. His strong connections with America and the far east from his time in power would surely benefit everyone.
I'm no politician or have any in depth knowledge on the subject buts it's just something I have been thinking a lot recently.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Designing Obama
Everyone has to see this. His presidential election campaign has to be THE best for design work produced by some talented and innovative designers.
Now there is going to be a book. But only if they reach the $65,000 pledge mark. It's a minimum of $10 pledge, for which you receive a digital copy of the book, all the way up to $150+ and you'll receive a special edition gold sleeve with your name printed in the book. Seriously tempting to order a hard copy of it.
If you pledge and they don't make their target by the required date, then you'll keep your pledge but the book won't get made. Can we really afford for that to happen?
Go Here, to pledge before November 4th and get your copy.
Charles Saatchi
I recently search far and wide for some good design books to sit down and read to try and get my head back into the right place for designing. I found one or two good looking books on Play.com so i thought i would pick them up.
One of them happened to be a collections of questions put to the notorious recluse, Charles Saatchi. If you speak to anyone with even a basic knowledge of Art & Design then they will no doubt know of Saatchi & Saatchi. Formed with his brother at the beginning of the 1970's, it became the worlds largest design agency, with clients including British Airways and the Conservative Party, during Margaret Thatchers time in power.
I didn't really have a preconception of what i thought he would be like. Artist's, Designer's and people in power are generally associated with being either softly spoken, shy and reclusive or being loud, obnoxious and complete wankers, Hence the title of a well known design book "Designers are Wankers".
Charles Saatchi has kind of settled into both of these categories for me. He is an obvious recluse, reluctant to offer any type of interview, even ducking out of the office to speak to massive clients who are more than likely paying his company a hell of a lot of money. On the other hand when he talks he sounds like an obnoxious, "i am Charles Saatchi", i make someones career type of guy.
After reading a few questions, i came up with quite a comparison. He sounds like a typical teenager who is "not conforming" or "being an individual", everytime he was asked something, it was always "I don't do it to leave a mark" or "How can i feel proud?".
It seems like most Graphic Designers are, in fact, wankers.
Book is available here for just £5.49
One of them happened to be a collections of questions put to the notorious recluse, Charles Saatchi. If you speak to anyone with even a basic knowledge of Art & Design then they will no doubt know of Saatchi & Saatchi. Formed with his brother at the beginning of the 1970's, it became the worlds largest design agency, with clients including British Airways and the Conservative Party, during Margaret Thatchers time in power.
I didn't really have a preconception of what i thought he would be like. Artist's, Designer's and people in power are generally associated with being either softly spoken, shy and reclusive or being loud, obnoxious and complete wankers, Hence the title of a well known design book "Designers are Wankers".
Charles Saatchi has kind of settled into both of these categories for me. He is an obvious recluse, reluctant to offer any type of interview, even ducking out of the office to speak to massive clients who are more than likely paying his company a hell of a lot of money. On the other hand when he talks he sounds like an obnoxious, "i am Charles Saatchi", i make someones career type of guy.
After reading a few questions, i came up with quite a comparison. He sounds like a typical teenager who is "not conforming" or "being an individual", everytime he was asked something, it was always "I don't do it to leave a mark" or "How can i feel proud?".
It seems like most Graphic Designers are, in fact, wankers.

City of the Sun.
As some of you may or may not know. I used to run a clothing firm called City of the Sun. I was certain we had a good thing going and that we had what it took to make it a credible success. We had solid ideas, what we thought were great designs and a group mentality that we were friends at the end.
Well that last bit basically attributed to our demise, it shut us down. Out of the 6 involved, i am only in contact with 2. Those 2 i have been friends with for more than a decade so therefore we have a strong relationship. I, once in a blue moon, speak to a third member who i wish i was in more contact more with. As for the last two, i don't know what happened. We were all so close, spent a lot of time together, even had a holiday together which obviously had its good & bad moments but we got on with it.
After a resignation and many arguments later, the group dwindled itself down to 4 members. It's not like i didn't want to speak to the other members but after us all agreeing that we "will have our friendship no matter what"... we learned the hard way that things don't always pan out the way we would like them to be.
You could say we had some success, we were in magazines, our sponsored bands had shared stages with the likes of Lostprophets, Paramore to name a few, but we never really hit the jackpot. Not even with all the help and support we had from a hardcore few (you know who you are) that were at every event we were at, bought every single design that we released and generally spread nothing but love for us.
My verdict of what happened to us was pretty much Accidental Death. We imploded and crashed landed because of our delusions of grandeur . Our internal squabbles would effectively lay the ground work for a failing company. I recently went through EVERY email i ever received from other members of the group regarding decisions, absence from meetings, petulance and everything in-between.
I never knew it could have ended like that. I never knew 6 men, could have had such petty arguments and cause so many issues on such trivial issues. Maybe some of the disagreements were legitimate but we never seemed to find a middle ground. I am not singling anyone out, collectively, we dropped a ball. I am sitting on lost investments, shirts in boxes doing nothing. A constant reminder of a business venture gone down the drain.
But even after i analyze all of this, i still don't regret doing it. I had some great times, seeing some of our hard work actually pay off. I can honestly say that there is no better feeling for a designer or businessman to see your product being worn by someone you don't really know, walking down the street, or when you see a band member on stage doing what they love and choosing to do it in your shirt.
As for future ventures, i am not sure where we will all be in 5 years time. I'd like to think we all took something positive away from this and can build on it to make our lives a little more exciting. I am going to sell off the remaining shirts over the coming weeks on eBay, for pretty much the cost price.
Knowing our luck, we will probably hit the jackpot and demand for our shirts will be higher than it ever was. A boy can dream can't he?
T-Shirts have always been something i enjoyed making, and i am looking into the prospect of doing something along similar lines, to coincide with my portfolio getting updated which is still a work-in-progress.
I think i have gone on for long enough now. Plus its 3:07am and i should be sleeping, so night people.
BTW, go watch District 9, it's actually a really good film!!
Well that last bit basically attributed to our demise, it shut us down. Out of the 6 involved, i am only in contact with 2. Those 2 i have been friends with for more than a decade so therefore we have a strong relationship. I, once in a blue moon, speak to a third member who i wish i was in more contact more with. As for the last two, i don't know what happened. We were all so close, spent a lot of time together, even had a holiday together which obviously had its good & bad moments but we got on with it.
After a resignation and many arguments later, the group dwindled itself down to 4 members. It's not like i didn't want to speak to the other members but after us all agreeing that we "will have our friendship no matter what"... we learned the hard way that things don't always pan out the way we would like them to be.
You could say we had some success, we were in magazines, our sponsored bands had shared stages with the likes of Lostprophets, Paramore to name a few, but we never really hit the jackpot. Not even with all the help and support we had from a hardcore few (you know who you are) that were at every event we were at, bought every single design that we released and generally spread nothing but love for us.
My verdict of what happened to us was pretty much Accidental Death. We imploded and crashed landed because of our delusions of grandeur . Our internal squabbles would effectively lay the ground work for a failing company. I recently went through EVERY email i ever received from other members of the group regarding decisions, absence from meetings, petulance and everything in-between.
I never knew it could have ended like that. I never knew 6 men, could have had such petty arguments and cause so many issues on such trivial issues. Maybe some of the disagreements were legitimate but we never seemed to find a middle ground. I am not singling anyone out, collectively, we dropped a ball. I am sitting on lost investments, shirts in boxes doing nothing. A constant reminder of a business venture gone down the drain.
But even after i analyze all of this, i still don't regret doing it. I had some great times, seeing some of our hard work actually pay off. I can honestly say that there is no better feeling for a designer or businessman to see your product being worn by someone you don't really know, walking down the street, or when you see a band member on stage doing what they love and choosing to do it in your shirt.
As for future ventures, i am not sure where we will all be in 5 years time. I'd like to think we all took something positive away from this and can build on it to make our lives a little more exciting. I am going to sell off the remaining shirts over the coming weeks on eBay, for pretty much the cost price.
Knowing our luck, we will probably hit the jackpot and demand for our shirts will be higher than it ever was. A boy can dream can't he?
T-Shirts have always been something i enjoyed making, and i am looking into the prospect of doing something along similar lines, to coincide with my portfolio getting updated which is still a work-in-progress.
I think i have gone on for long enough now. Plus its 3:07am and i should be sleeping, so night people.
BTW, go watch District 9, it's actually a really good film!!
Portfolio & Latest News.
Over the two years i was at City College Manchester, studying towards my HND in Graphic Design, i probably didn't work to the best of my ability. Pre-occupied with doing stupid stuff, too relaxed and laid back. So therefore my briefs were probably not concluded as well as they could have been.
I have decided to revisit my earlier briefs and redo them, and upload them to see what it could have been like if i had applied myself. The only drawback will be that i have no-one to really bounce my ideas off, no tutor pushing that little bit further, no trained eye to spot a lob-sided layer or typeface.
The first one i will be revisiting will be my brief on the essence of Community. A group of people with a common aim, belief structure or location. I will post it as soon as it is ready, with my first attempt for a comparison.
So please bare with me.
On other news, i can now legally drive. I passed my test on the 13th July and its been a massive weight off my shoulders. My theory test certificate was due to expire on the 22nd of this month so i wanted to get it done as soon as possible, so i did and i only got 6 minors!
Take Care.
I have decided to revisit my earlier briefs and redo them, and upload them to see what it could have been like if i had applied myself. The only drawback will be that i have no-one to really bounce my ideas off, no tutor pushing that little bit further, no trained eye to spot a lob-sided layer or typeface.
The first one i will be revisiting will be my brief on the essence of Community. A group of people with a common aim, belief structure or location. I will post it as soon as it is ready, with my first attempt for a comparison.
So please bare with me.
On other news, i can now legally drive. I passed my test on the 13th July and its been a massive weight off my shoulders. My theory test certificate was due to expire on the 22nd of this month so i wanted to get it done as soon as possible, so i did and i only got 6 minors!
Take Care.
Holy Ghost

Went to Urbis today to have a look round at a few exhibitions, including a very good VideoGame show. While we were there we went into a free exhibition called the "State of the Art: New York". This piece was called Holy Ghost by Carolyn Salas & Adam Parker Smith. Quite striking piece of work and was probably the highlight of all the shows. Get down and see it if you can.
Power Grid
Wonderul Wizard of Oz.
Ok so its been a long time since i posted anything on here to be honest, and it hasnt been through negligence or anything like that. I have just been extremely busy recently with a massive decision that my girlfriend and i have to consider.
We have decided to emigrate to Australia, we're starting the visa application very soon and we have decided to leave our flat to help build up our funds. The process could take upto about 12 months to complete so we are hoping to be over there by summer next year or just after.
I am going to be looking for work about 3 months or so before we get out there, i am going to be looking for design work only to begin with but might have to face the fact that it might not be possible and look for work when i get out there.
My girlfriend, Jaime, is a district nurse therefore has quite a sort after profession in Australia so she will have no problem in getting work i imagine. Its been a massive decision for the both to make, leaving a lot of family behind, including parents, grand parents, sisters and Nieces. Not mention all our friends, who we hope will come and visit us when they can. Also Manchester is where i have always called home and i love it here but i just feel Perth has that little bit more to offer.
Oh well, i'll still be posting my blog when i can, posting random stuff that no one reads.
Anyway, more important news! If you havent seen The Hangover, seriously, go and watch it!
Going to watch the new Transformers flick on friday too.
We have decided to emigrate to Australia, we're starting the visa application very soon and we have decided to leave our flat to help build up our funds. The process could take upto about 12 months to complete so we are hoping to be over there by summer next year or just after.
I am going to be looking for work about 3 months or so before we get out there, i am going to be looking for design work only to begin with but might have to face the fact that it might not be possible and look for work when i get out there.
My girlfriend, Jaime, is a district nurse therefore has quite a sort after profession in Australia so she will have no problem in getting work i imagine. Its been a massive decision for the both to make, leaving a lot of family behind, including parents, grand parents, sisters and Nieces. Not mention all our friends, who we hope will come and visit us when they can. Also Manchester is where i have always called home and i love it here but i just feel Perth has that little bit more to offer.
Oh well, i'll still be posting my blog when i can, posting random stuff that no one reads.
Anyway, more important news! If you havent seen The Hangover, seriously, go and watch it!
Going to watch the new Transformers flick on friday too.
Welcome Home Gurkha's

This is a subject i feel really strongly about and i am extremely happy with the decision that has been made. Gurkha's have fought this country for well over 100 years. Most British citizens, especially our youth, wouldn't even know that these people exist and therefore would have no idea of what sacrifices these people have made for our freedom & safety, that everyday a lot of us take for granted.
"If there was a minutes silence for every Gurkha that lost their life during world war 2, we would have to keep silent for two weeks."
These people put their lifes on the line for the freedom of our nation, and therefore they should, no matter how long they have served, be allowed entrance and citizenship into our country, no questions asked. It should never have had to go to a vote.
If i could virtually salute, i would salute every single one of you.
Enjoy the country you have fought so well for.

50cent/Eminem Vs Blink182
I was searching Youtube for the Blink performance from Jay Leno last night, because i'm in the UK, we don't get leno :( , and came across this. Everything fits soooo well, have a listen.
Retro Vimto Cordial WW2 Style.

Selfridges Coca Cola Ltd Edition
Don't know what you'd call these other than an Octodrive or an Octopus Drive? Don't know really but what i do know is that i am dieing to get my hands on one just to see whats on the drive? Wonder if it will have the video that Blink-182 shot a few weeks back? Or if it will just be Mark Hoppus related. As soon as someone knows, let me know... Marks Blog
Coca Cola Summer Cans
Coca Cola released images today of the new can designs for this summer, really simple ideas, done brilliantly. I'm kind of glad they used the silver/aluminum colour for the designs and not white like the current cans. They should release more of the spread over the year, not just summer. Check them out here


Billmund from Sydney, Australia. Some fantastic illustrations, with some extremely familiar faces.
This is the type of work that appeals to me because of the stereotypes that it breaks and how contemporary and well executed it is.
You can view the rest of his portfolio here
My particular favourite is the mix of Mickey Mouse and Jack Skellington. Its now my wallpaper of choice on my phone.
My Place.
President Barack Obama.
Take an uncompromising look at President Obama, having meetings with his staff and even shooting some hoops at the white house. Theres something about President Obama, he has people in a grip and thats what people need from a leader, someone to show you how its done and then set an example for you to follow. Already the peoples president. Love this offical photo stream from the official white house photographer, Pete Souza. Check them all out here
Update 8.3
Ok so its been a while since i actually made a post about what i am up to in my world. Well to be honest i've been pretty busy. I've finally got myself a new iMac for my new office which is going to be my base of operations with all my future projects.
Myself and Tony, InkMonkey Designs, are setting up shop under the Eightpoint3 Designs name. Website will follow as will any more details we have to offer. We'll be offering a full design service to anyone who requires a designers touch or influence. Many sleepless nights will ensue but its something that we both want and to be honest we probably both need. We'll be 100% committed to producing work we are proud of and that people will tell their friends or colleagues about.
Recently developed a really unhealthy obsession with Twitter. I don't know what it is but god i love it. If you fancy following me, Kiff182. Thats where its at.
Throw Some Shapes People...
Myself and Tony, InkMonkey Designs, are setting up shop under the Eightpoint3 Designs name. Website will follow as will any more details we have to offer. We'll be offering a full design service to anyone who requires a designers touch or influence. Many sleepless nights will ensue but its something that we both want and to be honest we probably both need. We'll be 100% committed to producing work we are proud of and that people will tell their friends or colleagues about.
Recently developed a really unhealthy obsession with Twitter. I don't know what it is but god i love it. If you fancy following me, Kiff182. Thats where its at.
Throw Some Shapes People...
Check out the Octopus!
Blink182 got together and shot some sort of video, nobody knows what it is exactly what they were doing but i am sure we'll here soon as possible.
As people has been noticing recently Mark's kind of got himself a little logo going on in the form of an Octopus. He Recently did a photo shoot for personal promo shots with a plastic Octopus, and he's had the designed added to his new Bass. Would love a version of that bass!
Head on over here to see all the pics.
As people has been noticing recently Mark's kind of got himself a little logo going on in the form of an Octopus. He Recently did a photo shoot for personal promo shots with a plastic Octopus, and he's had the designed added to his new Bass. Would love a version of that bass!
Head on over here to see all the pics.

New 5* Hotel in London
Apparently, this has just been approved by the Mayor of London and is going to be situated close to Heathrow airport. If you’re a frequent flier to the UK, you’ll be pleased to know that the Bath Road property will have all the amenities you could ask for—sustainability, energy efficiency, meeting facilities and restaurants, a gym, pool and spa, even a bowling alley.
Looks really nice. 5 Star too so its probably going to be out of my league... for now. You can see more of it here
Looks really nice. 5 Star too so its probably going to be out of my league... for now. You can see more of it here
Lovely Bass Licks
Mark Hoppus' new signature bass guitar by Fender. Loving the paint job, apparently you can see the wood grain through the paint job. Also, look at the neck of the guitar and you can see the smiley blink182 face. I have the previous model, in egg shell green, love the sounds you can get out of it! This one is lovely!

My Love.
Shiny New.

This will be my base of operations for the upcoming colab from myself and INKmonkey, our design service will offer high quality designs for the masses, design isn't exclusive and should be available to Joe Bloggs.
Mail me or call me and get more details.
Wider than Widescreen.
Great new commercial/short film created for Philips new 21:9 range of LCD TV's.
Phoenix's finest on two wheels...
Loving this. This isnt going to be easy because the bikes arent the lightest on the road! Got to give credit where credit is due.
The Bastard Child of a Rolls and a Hummer!
The future of motoring??
Very impressive, but when you consider that the Tesla roadster took around 16 hours to charge to get 200 miles range from it, will it be any better??
You can't knock Tesla for its looks though. With subtle undertones of Aston Martin, Jaguar and, in my opinion, Maserati, its certainly a looker.
Classy Time Piece.
Help... I'm Alive
Make sure you check this album out. Metric's Fantasies is awesome. Some brilliant tunes on here, you expect nothing less from an album produced by the mighty Mark Hoppus... the only thing missing is a hoppus colab on there.
Grab it from your local store or Itunes.
Check em out here
Gone with the wind...
Ok the title is a little wierd, its the only thing i could think of due to the current gale thats pounding my windows! Got a few new poster ideas clattering around my mind which i need to try and get down on paper. I need to shop about for a few things for the PC and get my Macbook in for a much needed service.
my boy over @ INKMonkey has his blog up and running now so head over to http://inkmonkeydesigns.blogspot.com and see what he has to offer.
In the meantime, god is love Rev Kiff!
my boy over @ INKMonkey has his blog up and running now so head over to http://inkmonkeydesigns.blogspot.com and see what he has to offer.
In the meantime, god is love Rev Kiff!
Chasing Tomorrow
Here are two posters i designed for a band called Chasing Tomorrow. They literally gave me an hour or so to get these designed and sent over to them. I'm happy in a way with them but with a bit more time then the outcome would have been so much better.

In more recent news, i have decided to cancel my eightpoint3.com website. Mainly because i just dont update it that often and its easier and quicker to get my work up here.
Therefore, my contact details will be on here. Mobile, Email... Get in touch.
Its just not happening...
Over the last few months i haven't really been up to much in the design scheme of things. I haven't posted a blog, let alone even done any work. I think it has a lot to do with where i am at in my life to be honest. Although graphic design has been a big part of my life for the past 4 years, i have become disillusioned with the industry since graduating back in July 2008, i did a little thinking and decided to follow a certain career path that has always been a dream of mine, and that is to become a police officer.
So on the 10th December 2008, i applied to Greater Manchester Police Force. I passed the initial paper sift and was told i was eligible, but subsequently failed my competence based questions. I was optimistic about joining but also apprehensive of being turned away, which happens to a majority of applicants so it wasn't a massive shock that i was turned down i was still disappointed.
I cannot reapply to any police force in the UK for the next 6 months but fully intend to reapply and make sure i follow what i set out to do. In the mean time i have told myself to actually put my design skills to at least some use while i work and wait for the 6 months countdown to be over. Whether i get a job in an agency, hopefully some of them will eventually return a call or email to me to at least tell me that i have been unsuccessful again, or i just do it for fun. Either way i need to make sure i keep my mind working rather than doing my shifts at the local blockbuster!! I need to start using my time in a more creative way, make the most of it. It's what i want so why not.
I will keep this constantly updated and keep myself posted of what i am supposed to be doing!!
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