
Its Gone.

Ok, i have had my Macbook in for some work at the Apple shop last week, so i transferred everything to my external hard drive, or at least i thought i had. I've come to it today to get something of it, and its all gone. Don't know how or why but i'm not in the best of moods at the moment. 

I'm still looking desperately for a job, but alas to no avail at the moment. I'm having to re-do my CV due to the certain lack of work on my hard drive! and the copy i have, has my old address on it. 

I am going to have a look and see if there are any competition briefs rolling round the place and keep my creative cockles warm. 

Have Fun 


I'm scared...

Well i have now officially graduated with my HND, was going to turn it into a degree with another two years at MMU but to be honest, i think that design sense is something that you get yourself by doing the work so i decided to join the big world of work! 

I'm just looking for some freelance work at the moment, maybe do a few pieces of work for local businesses, music is also a massive part of my life so work in the music industry would suit me just fine. I am really open to suggestions and will do anything from Straplines to Creative solutions for your business. 

If you want to get in touch, you can email me on ben@eightpoint3.com or you can give me a call on 07800817940

With Love


Also my website has now gone live with a selection of work on there as well. 

All my contact details are on there so if you need to get touch, please feel free. 

The End Is Nigh...


Well its not long now till i graduate from college and get in the hunt for job. Its gonna be tough but i am gonna try and get some freelance work under my belt, hopefully. Got two more briefs to finish before i graduate as well, got my Pot Noodle advert campaign to do and my typography brief. Everything is done and dusted after that, so we'll see where the wind takes me. 

I'll do any work at the moment because its experience so get in touch! 



Feel Good Moments

These are a series of four posters for a YCN competition i entered. The basic theme was Feel Good Moments, i think the final outcome is quite good.

Submitted to YCN 18/03/08.


Thought i might as well make a post on this thing now i have made it. I have recently just got over a very nasty stomach bug, awwww, getting better now but still not 100%. As some people may or may not know i help run a clothing brand called "City of the Sun". We are currently going through a major re-branding phase at the moment and are over hauling everything from the name to the look of our website and other stuff that we do. Its proving to be a harder task than we actually thought it would be. No pain No gain as they say.
Its been bumpy the last couple of months with a number of things but i feel like we will get on the right path soon and get our heads above the sand and make a name for ourselves.

I'm nearing the end of my two years at my current college doing my HND Graphics, currently contemplating the great question, what the hell am i going to do?? Not 100% sure yet, to be honest don't think i will ever know, think i'll just jump into one direction and see how the water is.




Welcome to my blog, EightPoint3. I am currently an HND Graphic Design student in the bustling city of Manchester, UK.

I will be using this blog to post some of my portfolio as it gradually grows over the coming years.

Any one interested in contacting me regarding anything at all *cough* Work *cough*, You know where to get hold of me.

Peace and Love